A Newtonian Space Combat Simulator

In-game screenshot
In-game screenshot

SCANS is an attempt to create a space-sim that is realistic insofar that rigid bodies have inertia (both translational as well as rotational) and where there is no privileged frame of reference with respect to velocity. Any resulting awkwardness in maneuvering is to be taken care of by the flight computer.

The game, which is very rudimentary and experimental as of this writing, is currently only available through CVS.
Required libraries for compiling the C++ code are currently:

The program can only be built automatically by SCons, although it should be relatively trivial to do so manually by studying the "SConstruct" file (just compile every ".cpp" file in every directory while supplying the compiler and linker options that are required by above libraries).

SourceForge project page for SCANS Logo

Jornand de Buisonjé
e-mail: X@Y, where X is jdbuiso and Y is
This page was created on 2007-10-24 and last modified on 2007-10-24.

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